Walgreens The Thread

Walgreens and Red Nose Day commit to end childhood poverty

By Walgreens Jul 24, 2022 • 4 min.

We’re committed to building a healthy future for all children living in poverty. Since 2015, our partnership with Red Nose Day has helped more than 31.5 million kids get access to food, shelter, healthcare, education and empowerment. Meet the kids who benefit from Red Nose Day.


[Walgreens employees shown working together wearing red noses. “Walgreens with Red Nose Day” logos appear.]

[Text overlay:] In the US, 1 in 6 children live in poverty. Since 2015, Walgreens has partnered with Red Nose Day to help more than 31.5 million kids. 
[Text overlay:] Together, Walgreens community broke a fundraising record in 2022, donating more than $37 million to help end childhood poverty. 

[Text overlay:] 100% of donations go to Red Nose Day and support organizations that help provide healthier lives for children in need.

[Forklift shown moving boxes.

[Text overlay:] Island Harvest 

Randi Shubin Dresner, president & CEO of Island Harvest: Every single county across our country, there are children who do not know where their next meal is coming from. And Red Nose Day ensures that we could provide funding to support these children.

Margaret, Island Harvest client: My hopes for the future, that they could have a better future, a happier, joyful—just to be able to be children.

[Interior shot of Island Harvest workers boxing items.]

Randi: I am hopeful for a day where children do not know hunger. 

[Exterior shot of Latino boy with adult.]

[Text overlay:] UnidosUS

Catalina Norby, health program specialist: Red Nose Day funds UnidosUS and our partnership with RCMA. And we provide dental healthcare and behavioral healthcare to Latino children.

Ida Eugia, RCMA area coordinator: We provide vision, hearing, dental, developmental screenings.

Juana Brown, RCMA director of charter schools: We are the hub for our community. 

Ida: This community is a family.

[Exterior shot of man leading horse.]

[Text overlay:] Gallop NYC

James Wilson, executive director: Gallop NYC is important because we change the lives of New Yorkers. We and our horses teach therapeutic riding to people in New York with disabilities. And through those lessons, through the horse riding lessons, their life is changed.

Lola Fennimore, instructor: Red Nose Day and days here at Gallop NYC are important because they are acknowledgements of something that we do for people that is empowering and life-changing and very necessary. 

[Adriano, riding a horse, with two people walking next to them.

Adrianno, horse rider: Every time I just get on that horse, I feel just so much better.

[Close-up of girl with braids riding a horse, smiling.

I see hope in the eyes of our riders every day.

[Interior shot of Dr. Robin Scott.]

[Text overlay:] Children’s Health Fund

Dr. Robin Scott, pediatric physician: Poverty has a tremendous impact on quality of health. This clinic provides comprehensive medical, mental health, nutrition services for families and individuals. And we've been in the community for about 25 years.

[Dr. Scott shown with patient, baby Lobo.]

Dr. Scott: The partnership that we have with the Children's Health Fund, supported by Red Nose Day, allows us to do the work that we're doing. It's so important to start early, as far as making an impact.

[Brandon and Dalliana, Lobo’s parents, are shown with their child.]

Dr. Scott: And obviously, kids is the earliest place that you can start, as far as healthcare goes. Baby Lobo came to me when he was 2 or 3 days of age. I noticed right away that he had a medical condition.

Brandon, Lobo’s father: After he was born, every second, we were like, "Is he OK?" And Dr. Scott set everything up for us. She made the calls. She made the appointment. She kind of fast-tracked everything for us. 

[Exterior shots of James and Latino boy wearing red noses.]

[Text overlay:] We’re committed to building a healthy future for all children in our communities.

[“Walgreens with Red Nose Day” logos appear.]

Watch more at Walgreens.com/RedNoseDay