Walgreens The Thread

Helping breast cancer patients get quality healthcare

By Walgreens Oct 31, 2022 • 2 min

As many as 30% of breast cancer deaths could be avoided if patients had access to timely, high-quality care. Walgreens is committed to helping the breast cancer community. So far, we’ve raised over $14M for Susan G. Komen to improve access to care and advance new research.


Becky (00:06):

My name is Becky Carmichael, and I have breast cancer.

Ashley (00:10):

My name is Ashley Fernandez, and I am living with metastatic breast cancer.

Paula (00:14):

I was diagnosed with breast cancer 11 years ago.

Lorraine (00:17):

You don't expect it to happen to you at age 30.

Marie (00:21):

What's next? 'Cause I have two kids, and I got to be here for them.

Ashley (00:31):

I wish people knew that people with metastatic breast cancer aren't defined. They didn't do anything to deserve this; we all matter. We're all important. We're worthy of the treatment, we're worthy of the research, we're worthy of everything. I want people to know that some people can't get treatment because insurance costs too much. I want people to know that people lose their families because of this disease, 'cause it just takes over.

Becky (01:02):

As soon as I got my diagnosis, that was one of my resources, is to go in and look at Susan G. Komen and see what's available and see other women that post things.

Lorraine (01:13):

They understand what it is to experience that kind of thing, and they want to be supportive.

Cathy (01:25):

It was through Komen and the awareness of taking care of yourself that got me to go take that mammogram.

Becky (01:34):

There's other women that have been through things and you really do learn a lot from what they've gone through. Take care of yourself, get your mammograms. Don't count on feeling a lump. You're number one, so act like it, and don't skip a mammogram.

Ashley (02:01):

The reason I love to share my breast cancer story is because it helps educate, empower, and representation matters. If I could inspire somebody to advocate for themselves, to get better treatment, and to just be knowledgeable of what's going on today. Susan G. Komen brought us together. Komen brought us together to do better, so we could unite and lift each other up. If we could just come together... Imagine what the world would be like if we all just came together.