A seven-part series about the COVID-19 vaccine in our communities. Each short film tells the authentic story of a person or community struggling with vaccine hesitancy and sharing their journey.
In Our Words

Former Mayor of Tuskegee on Overcoming Vaccine Inequality
See why the Former Mayor of Tuskegee is getting the COVID-19 vaccine after a long history of medical mistrust in the African American community. This is episode 1 of Walgreens “The Vaccine, In Our Words” series about the COVID-19 vaccine in our communities. Johnny Ford first became mayor of Tuskegee, Alabama in 1972, the year news broke of the notorious Tuskegee Experiment that would shatter Black trust in the medical establishment for generations. Despite this tragic legacy, Mayor Ford says, with trusted Black scientists and doctors leading this vaccination effort no one should use what happened in Tuskegee as a reason not to get vaccinated now.

Reverend R.B Holmes and A Matter of Faith
Hear about what Reverend R.B. Holmes calls our moral obligation to get the COVID-19 vaccine in order to keep our communities safe. This is episode 2 of Walgreens “The Vaccine, In Our Words” series about the COVID-19 vaccine in our communities. Reverend R.B. Holmes uses the power of the pulpit, and his faith in God and science, to call upon parishioners in his Tallahassee Baptist church to get vaccinated. “We must be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers,” he reminds them. “I am appealing to you, and young Americans, that it is your moral obligation to get vaccinated.”

The Good Listener with Barber Kennard Perry
See how a barber talks to and educates his clients about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. This is episode 3 of Walgreens “The Vaccine, In Our Words” series about the COVID-19 vaccine in our communities. How do you talk to someone about getting the COVID-19 vaccine? Baltimore barber Kennard Perry does it by giving his customers a safe space to talk, and listening closely. One haircut at a time, he’s countering misinformation and helping men in his community work through their lingering questions and concerns.

Battling Time and Tide with Nurse Sharon Daley
Watch how tight knit island communities are getting the COVID-19 vaccine. This is episode 4 of Walgreens “The Vaccine, In Our Words” series about the COVID-19 vaccine in our communities. The coast of Maine is dotted with thousands of tiny islands, fifteen of which still have year-round residents, far removed from the mainland. In a race against time, nurse Sharon Daley and the Maine Seacoast Mission brave rough seas and gale force winds to get the COVID-19 vaccine to islanders and safeguard these remote communities against the virus.

Twin Sister Doctors Expose Racial Disparities about Covid Vaccine
Dr. Delana Wardlaw and Dr. Elana McDonald use their time with their medical patients to explain to all of their medical patients that the vaccine is here and safe for everyone. This is episode 5 of Walgreens “The Vaccine, In Our Words” series about the COVID-19 vaccine in our communities. The African-American community has many concerns but Dr. Wardlaw and Dr. McDonald inform that the benefits far outweigh the risks and there has been a lot of misinformation spewed involving the COVID-19 Vaccine. These two twin doctors did all of their schooling together through medical school. They grew up in an un underserved community so they think it’s important to make sure that the communities they serve now get quality healthcare on a consistent basis.

Caring for the Heartland
Dr. Jen Brull cares for multiple generations of farming and ranching families in the small Kansas town of Plainville, where vaccine hesitancy and distrust run high. Through a combination of persistence, care and respect, Dr. Brull is bringing her patients around to the vaccine one-by-one.

Manos a la Obra con La Vacuna
Gladys Vega es una activista que hace frente en Chelsea, Massachusetts y que haría lo que sea por mantener el bienestar de su comunidad, la cual es mayormente latina. Como sabe que muchos inmigrantes indocumentados tienen miedo de ir a vacunarse, Gladys y su equipo van de puerta en puerta preguntando e inscribiéndolos para vacunarse.