Walgreens The Thread

Helping expectant mothers get quality prenatal healthcare

By Walgreens Jan 30, 2023 • 3 min

Walgreens donations to Vitamin Angels help expectant mothers and children gain access to life-changing vitamins and supplements. See how you can help moms have healthier pregnancies, just by buying your vitamins at Walgreens.

Learn more at Walgreens.com/VitaminAngels


Better Together: Walgreens in partnership with Vitamin Angels

Brittany, mom, Nevada: Motherhood is a job [laughs] — a very big, important job. It's very scary, but it's very exciting and very rewarding.

Jasmine, mom, Ohio: As far as worries during my pregnancy, I think every mom, whether she's a first-time mom or a tenth-time mom, we alway worry, like, are they going to develop OK? Because we can see in, but we can't really see in to what's going on.

[Title card appears: Every mother deserves a healthy pregnancy.]

Jodi, mom, Florida: Babies' health is, it's important, because it determines what happens next in their life. Because if they have to worry about their health all the time, then it's going to be hard to pursue their dreams and their goals and their aspirations.

[Title card appears on screen: Every child deserves a healthy start. But it can be a challenge …]

Amelia, physician assistant, First Choice Health Center: A lot of the time, for some of our patients who are uninsured or unemployed, or work paycheck to paycheck, they often focus on their families and the people around them as a priority and leave theirselves behind.

[Title card appears on screen: The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted women. They are earning less and have fewer resources to dedicate to healthy pregnancies.]

Amelia: During pregnancy, great nutrition is vital for a baby's growth and development, as are the vitamins and minerals in all of our prenatal vitamins. And oftentimes, we see that these are the first things to be cut when somebody is struggling financially, or if they don't have the time, they often will, you know, skip taking some of their vitamins or, you know, skip a meal here or there.

Jodi: Currently, I'm on a very tight budget. So, yeah, it would set me back. If I had to pay the $40, I probably wouldn't take prenatals. It feels great to know that I can come here and get the vitamins and anything else that I need.

[Title card appears on screen: Together, Walgreens and Vitamin Angels are committed to giving moms in the US and around the world the support they need to thrive.]

Kathy, nurse, Pregnancy Decision Health Center: Prenatal vitamins are a part of our initial consultation. As soon as we find out that that pregnancy test is positive, those vitamins get into my hand, along with my list of resources and phone numbers and educational material about being pregnant, come right into this room and are a part of our initial conversation.

Noelle, director of client services at a Vitamin Angels partner clinic: "These are free?" It's typically the response that we get, is, "I can have these?" And then when we tell them, "Yes. And when you run out, you can come back and get more," they're just very touched.

[Title card appears on screen: You can help give moms life-changing vitamins just by buying yours at Walgreens.]

Candice, mom, Nevada: There they have people that care, like, you know, that they want to make sure that the moms are getting the help that they need during pregnancy.

Jasmine: Honestly, just like all my kids, as long as they're happy, healthy and achieving something that makes them feel good in their lives, then I'm happy.

Learn more at Walgreens.com/VitaminAngels

Published January 2023.