Walgreens The Thread

PB&J s'more

Jun 29, 2022 • 10 min

Dress up your s’mores with simple recipes that will have your crowd asking for more. Bring the classic flavors of peanut butter and jelly into your treats all season long. 


  • Graham crackers
  • Peanut butter cups (snack size)
  • Marshmallows
  • Freshly sliced strawberries (for the jelly)

Equipment needed

  • Open flame (or air fyer)
  • Skewers


Step 1: Toast the marshmallow

Toast your marshmallow on a skewer to the desired level.

Step 2: Add the marshmallow

Place marshmallow on graham cracker.

Step 3: Top with peanut butter cup

Add peanut butter cup on top of the marshmallow.

Step 4: Garnish with strawberries

Top the chocolate and marshmallow with thinly sliced strawberries.

Step 5: Press and enjoy

Press together with the other half of the graham cracker and enjoy!

TIP: If you do not have an open flame available, try placing the graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallow in the air fryer for 3–5 minutes. Keep an eye on your s’more so the marshmallow doesn’t burn.